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More than Just A Check Up

If you’re overdue for an annual checkup, you’re missing out on care that can help you identify disease risks and prevent illness. Consider your provider as a central point of contact for everything related to your health. From routine screenings to talking about healthy choices, here’s how your primary care provider can help. 

Staying ahead of disease 

Screenings that assess your body and mind enable your doctor to check you for diseases and conditions even before you have symptoms. Here’s what your provider might screen for:  

Managing risk factors 

Your primary care provider can help assess factors that can put you at risk for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, and work with you to lower your risk of developing them. Common risk factors include:  

Getting a shot of prevention 

The bad news? Flu season is here. The good news? You can get your flu shot at your annual wellness visit — no extra trip required. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all people ages 6 months and older get a flu shot each year. Your provider can also ensure that you are up to date on other immunizations, including the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Remember: It will take about two weeks for your body to develop a defense after your flu shot, so don’t wait to get yours — or to schedule your doctor visit.  

Health Trust Physicians Clinic
(515) 462-2950

Earlham Medical Clinic
(515) 758-2907

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